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Audio Blogs

Dealing With Difficult People

In God's sovereign plan for our lives, we will encounter difficult people.  Check out these practical ways of loving them in this segment.

Power Tools for Living: Gratitude

A thankful heart honors God, and relishes His blessings.  Learn more about the difference gratitude makes in this segment.

Making a Change Part 1

As we walk with Christ, He gives us the strength to grow and change.  Learn several practical change steps in this segment.

Making a Change Part 2

The process of sanctification is a life-long process of confession, repentance, and change. More practical tips for change through the power of the Holy Spirit are discussed in this segment

What We Understand About God Shapes Us

Understanding God's unique character helps us process His power and how He works to mold us into His image.

Overcoming Anxiety

Each of us will encounter stress in the technologically-driven, fast-paced society we live in.  God's Word provides powerful, practical antidotes to anxiety that are shared in this segment. 

Power Tools for Living:  Joy

Joy is a deeper emotion than happiness--one that has been paid for by the blood of Jesus Christ and is available to all His followers.  Hear more about how to choose joy in this segment.

Power Tools for Living:  Humility

Jesus is the perfect model for the strength that comes through servant leadership and absolute humility.  This segment explores the role of humility in a believer's life and offers tips to nurture it.

How To Find Meaning in Life

The Christian life is one of both passion and purpose.  Finding God's purpose and trusting Him for the plan are discussed in this segment.

Hope for Sleep Struggles

The resources of Christian faith provide practical tools in all areas of life, even insomnia.

Forgiveness Christ's 


Jesus calls His followers to forgive, but it is difficult to do.  Practical tools to power the forgiveness process are shared in this segment.

Developing Steely Faith

Navigating through both normal and unprecedented stressors has left many of us anxious and depressed.  Use these tools to develop the kind of faith muscles that "move mountains."

Attaching to God

Our new birth into the family of God gives us a new identity, purpose, and calling.  As we attach to our Heavenly Father and His Word dwells in us, our identity in Christ supercedes our identity in our family of origin.

Unmasking Boundaries

Setting wise boundaries leads to healthy relationships and wise living.  Learn how to set them and what to expect when putting them in place.


At times in life we are called to move past what we think and observe, trust our Savior, and see our lives in a different paradigm--G-od's!

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